Напиши эти предложения по русски.
1. This word is difficult to read.
2. The ballet is interesting to watch.
3. These animals are easy to train.
4. The clowns are funny to watch.
5. Puppies are fun to play with.
Перевод задания
Напиши эти предложения по русски.
1. This word is difficult to read.
2. The ballet is interesting to watch.
3. These animals are easy to train.
4. The clowns are funny to watch.
5. Puppies are fun to play with.
1. Это слово трудно прочитать.
2. Балет интересно смотреть.
3. Этих животных легко дрессировать.
4. За клоунами забавно наблюдать.
5. С щенками весело играть.
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