ГДЗ Английский язык 9 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, 2021

ГДЗ Английский язык 9 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, 2021

авторы: , , .
издательство: "Просвещение"


ГДЗ Английский язык 9 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. Step 8. Номер №11

Some of the following sentences have mistakes. Find the sentences and correct the mistakes.
1) I thought a lot but couldn’t remember his name.
2) Was he able to talk to his neighbour?
3) I couldn’t do the sums myself and asked my father to help me.
4) They could play their parts so well that the audience broke into laughter again and again.
5) How did you manage to do all that work on your own?
6) I could answer the teacher’s question and was very proud of myself.
7) The children couldn’t go to the beach as it was raining.
8) Sally could win the 100−metre race.
9) At last we could see the film we had wanted to see so long.
10) Why couldn’t he explain the problem more clearly?


ГДЗ Английский язык 9 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. Step 8. Номер №11


Перевод задания
В некоторых из следующих предложений есть ошибки. Найдите предложения и исправьте ошибки.
1) I thought a lot but couldn’t remember his name.
2) Was he able to talk to his neighbour?
3) I couldn’t do the sums myself and asked my father to help me.
4) They could play their parts so well that the audience broke into laughter again and again.
5) How did you manage to do all that work on your own?
6) I could answer the teacher’s question and was very proud of myself.
7) The children couldn’t go to the beach as it was raining.
8) Sally could win the 100−metre race.
9) At last we could see the film we had wanted to see so long.
10) Why couldn’t he explain the problem more clearly?

1) I thought a lot but couldn’t remember his name.
2) Was he able to talk to his neighbour?
3) I couldn’t do the sums myself and asked my father to help me.
4) They managed to / were able to play their parts so well that the audience broke into laughter again and again.
5) How did you manage to do all that work on your own?
6) I managed to / was able to answer the teacher’s question and was very proud of myself.
7) The children couldn’t go to the beach as it was raining.
8) Sally managed to / was able to win the 100−metre race.
9) At last we managed to / were able to see the film we had wanted to see so long.
10) Why couldn’t he explain the problem more clearly?

Перевод ответа
1) Я много думал, но не мог вспомнить его имени.
2) Смог ли он поговорить со своим соседом?
3) Я не мог рассчитать суммы сам и попросил отца помочь мне.
4) Им удалось / удалось так хорошо сыграть свои роли, что публика снова и снова разражалась смехом.
5) Как вам удалось сделать всю эту работу самостоятельно?
6) Я сумел / смог ответить на вопрос учителя и очень гордился собой.
7) Дети не могли пойти на пляж, так как шел дождь.
8) Салли удалось / смогла выиграть забег на 100 метров.
9) Наконец−то нам удалось / смогли посмотреть фильм, который мы так давно хотели посмотреть.
10) Почему он не мог объяснить проблему более четко?

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